Hi Newgrounds people!
It's been absolutely ages since I last posted but I'll try to make up for lost time.
The Tale of Doris and the Dragon Episode 2 will be coming out soon. I've written a blog article about the latest developments on the game and one of my team members made a short summary video of our time at Norwich Gaming Festival 2019 last weekend.
READ MORE DORIS NEWS: https://www.indiedb.com/games/the-tale-of-doris-and-the-dragon-episode-2/news/huge-milestones-reached-on-doris-ep2
I'd love to know what you think - feel free to comment below and I'll try and answer as soon as I can!
Ben @ Arrogant Pixel
- Tale of Doris and the Dragon Trailer: Youtube.com
- Greenlight Camaign: Steamcommunity.com
- Press Materials: Dropbox.com Pack - EP2.zip?dl=0
- Official Website: Arrogantpixel.com
- Official Twitter: @ArrogantPixel
- Official Facebook: facebook.com/ArrogantPixel
- Official Instagram: instagram.com/Arrogant.Pixel